Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dancing with the Stars

Earlier this week, my husband and I visited Xel-Ha, a relatively protected lagoon along the Yucutan coast.  When high clouds settled in during the late afternoon, I quit snorkeling and wandered through the resort.  There were some large salt water pools, where dolphins are trained to interact with park visitors. 

Swimming with dolphins is meant to be an intimate experience.  The training area was surrounded  by scruffy brush;  no doubt, the extra privacy also reduces distractions.   I wandered around the training pools in search of an angle with a relatively unobstructed view.   As I watched the first group's routine, I learned that the same routine was eventually mirrored in the groups nearby.

I only had a point and shoot camera with me, but one that I love (the Panasonic  DMC-ZS7).    Not knowing exactly where the dolphins would emerge, I did not attempt any tight views.  Timing is everything; anticipation is key.   Shutter lag is often a problem with these smaller cameras, but luck, at times, trumps skill!

The real treat came AFTER the formal sessions had ended.  There is a very large central  pool that likely, is used for practice.      A heron was standing at the edge of the dock - an avian ballet instructor ???

One of the dolphins, a veritable Baryshnikov in terms of dolphin ballet, apparently decided to practice his moves in his aquatic studio.   Out of nowhere, he would leap high into the air, perform a triple twist and then dive back into the water. 

There were no trainers present, but the dolphin would swim to the edge of the dock to check in with the heron to see how he had done.  The heron, not thrilled to be splashed, backed off.

The heron ventured back to the edge only when the dolphin had returned to the center of this pool.   Again and again, the dolphin leapt out of the water with stunning acrobatic displays.  He seemed to be enjoying the sheer joy of his own movement, the exhilaration of twirling around and around -- just because he could!!!!   The performance left me in awe and reminded me of Mark Twain's words:

"Dance like no one is watching.
Sing like no one is listening.
Love like you've never been hurt
and live like it's heaven on Earth"


  1. so did you swim with the dolphins?

  2. Not this go-around. There is,however, a place in Tampa where I have done so in the past. Dolphins are truly amazing creatures!

  3. Where? It is on my list of things to do!

  4. Actually, not quite Tampa, but close enough: Discovery Cove in Orlando.

  5. Hey cutie, nice post and great photos. Mom and I had pink dolphins trail our little explorer boat in the Amazon when we went birding there many years ago. They are viewed by the local tribes as magical creatures and therefore are never hunted or maliciously hurt. Deservedly so, they are magical to me.

  6. Nice pics and commentary, Laura. I agree with you that life through the viewfinder is interesting. Now that I'm retired I am spending more time with my Canon Rebel and loving the discoveries of composition and the wonders that God provides all around us, large and small. I look forward to reading and viewing more of your adventures in photography. Thanks for the Mark Twain quote - it is one of my favorites.
