Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Day of Spring!

While I was out in Minnesota, I did have a chance to do a little sightseeing.   One of the places visited was a conservatory in a small zoological park.  You can imagine that northerners become snow-weary as winter wears on.   That does not mean life comes to a standstill!   

Far from it!  The Science Museum was hosting a fabulous exhibit on the treasures of Tutankhamen. There was also a major hockey tournament in progress (Duluth lost to Eden Prairie in triple overtime when the puck ricocheted off a player’s skate).   Still, with two feet of snow still on the ground, everyone was looking forward to spring’s arrival; the observatory, with its soothing warm humidity, was well-attended.   The first of the exhibits was a collection of ferns.  ( I love the size variations and the ways in which the patterns interlace.)

From there,  we went to the orchid collection, and tucked away, near a Victorian lamppost, was a Lady’s Slipper!

The standout, however, was a gorgeous Stargazer Lily with its explosion of color!

Last night, hopefully many of you had a chance to see the gorgeous orange disc of a moon as it slipped above the horizon.    Today, back home, our forsythia is ablaze!!   

Enjoy the season!

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