Thursday, April 28, 2011

Evil in Wooden Carvings

In earlier times, when printing presses were non-existant, and commoners illiterate,
the arts were essential as teaching tools.     Stained glass windows, marble sculptures,
bronze panels on baptistry doors were all vital sources of instruction and reflection.

Easter Sunday is one of the few Sundays in which it is possible to sit in the Great
Choir in Washington Cathedral.   While normally, the pageantry, the glorious organ
music and the stunning floral displays captivate my attention, I could not help but
note  that I was sitting next to the following armrest in my pew...

(Oh Dear!!!  Hope I'm not being given any divine message!! <LOL>)

On the side opposite, was an incredible wooden carving of a lion eating a serpent --
with Adolph Hitler's face!!  Not exactly an image of love and forgiveness....then again....
this was crafted at the time of WWII and one can certainly understand how
the carver saw Hitler as evil incarnate!



  1. Absolutely fascinating, Laura. Great carvings. Both of them.

  2. Incredible. I cannot wait to share this with my two older kids. They will find this fascinating and will be able to share it in their respective history classrooms.

